why it works
Starting today, you can keep your current e-mail address and be spam-free. We stop junk mail to Road Runner, Earthlink, AOL,
MSN and all other e-mail accounts.
Face it… there are three main reasons people receive unsolicited e-mail or Spam.
- Spam Happens because sending out bulk e-mail is easy to do.
- Bulk mailing generally requires no additional effort from the bulk e-mailer after the mail has been sent.
- 99% of all unsolicited e-mail is sent using a fake return e-mail address, and stealth techniques to hide the spammers’ true identities.
It is for exactly those reasons that Mail-Block is so effective against unsolicited e-mail.
- Mail-Block is tough on unsolicited bulk e-mail. It takes the burden off of you and places it directly back on the bulk mailer.
- Mail-Block requires the bulk mailer to verify the e-mail they originally sent you. Highly unlikely!
- Mail-Block weeds out bad addresses and knows the “real” fakes won’t be verified. This effectively eliminates the problem before it ever gets to you!
Start now by clicking here!
Basically speaking, the spammers will never know what hit them … but you will.
Now that’s taking control!
Mail-Block is your new weapon against spam and other unwanted e-mail. It’s your personal e-mail assistant, diligently working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year … standing guard at your e-mail inbox!
Mail-Block does the work so you don’t have to. Isn’t that the way it should be? The sooner you begin using Mail-Block, the sooner you’ll be asking yourself, “What’s all the fuss about being spammed?”